Kitchen Assistant Tool

Think Pavers knows exactly how time-consuming and tedious it can be to choose the right equipment and materials for your outdoor kitchen. The market is choc-a-bloc with a range of brands and models of outdoor kitchen equipment and it can be a little confusing to ascertain which ones you should buy. This is where our expertise comes into the picture and we design the perfect kitchens based on your specific requirements.
We also know that as a homeowner, you want to be involved in the designing process and so we have designed this special kitchen assistant tool that will help you make smart choices in terms of the styling, materials and other aspects of an outdoor kitchen installation. The entire process has to follow a very methodical flow:
Kitchen Assistant Tool
- Getting Started - Start by thinking about your kitchen as more than just a standalone space- it’s an extension of the indoor spaces of your home and should have the comfort & functionality of an indoor kitchen. Even before you purchase your equipment & work with us on the design, start thinking about what you exactly want in this space.
- Construction - There are times when you may feel you will take this on as a DIY project, but it is best to consult a professional for aspects such as gas, electrical and plumbing installation.
- Materials - It’s important that you use all-weather materials in the outdoor kitchen- that is the only way you can be assured the space will be easy to maintain, weather the elements well and look good for a number of years. In most instances, the walls of outdoor kitchens are made using concrete blocks- these can be clad with stone veneer or masonries such as stucco or brick.
The countertops should be made of durable materials such as tile, slate, granite & stainless steel. When you choose to get your kitchen custom designed and use our Kitchen Assistant Tool, you have the flexibility to pick the materials and styling you like.
- Plumbing & Electrical - If you want a sink in your kitchen, you will also require a water line to be run from the main water supply in your home. In addition, you will need electrical outlets for grill lighting, rotisserie systems, refrigerators, wine coolers etc. We have licensed electricians who handle all electrical jobs with expertise.
Contact the Experts
Our Kitchen Assistant Tool helps you understand how you can zone the kitchen into different areas for entertaining, cooking, prepping etc. This helps create a natural flow within the space. It’s a good idea to have the next zone in your cooking process, within easy reach. For instance, the plate and serve zone should be placed near the cooking zone.
Based on the space available, we can build L-shape, straight & U-shape counters. For more information about our services and how our Kitchen Assistant Tool can help you, call Think Pavers at 856-832-4680. You can also contact us via this online form. We serve customers in Chester, Woodlyn, Claymont and the surrounding areas.